Monday, June 27, 2005

I will always come home...

We lay on his couch watching "West Wing," the light from the TV playing across my face. His left arm is draped over my chest and from behind I can hear the steady rythm of his breathing.

The warmth of his breath on my neck tickles and makes the little hairs stand on end. I take a deep breath, no longer watching, and instead lay there, trying to record the moment so that years from that moment I can recall the feeling of just being there.

It feels like home. That moment, his presnce, the serenity of that place in time - it is home I've never felt before.

He breathes in deeply. I turn my head to look a him. He blinks heavily then gives me a weak and tired smile - breathtaking. I tilt myself up and then stand, taking a moment to right my balance. I reach for his hand and tug gently. He resists, but I coax him to the bedroom and tuck him snugly into bed.

It feels like home. This place of his, just as much as my place feels like home. I like this, being with him, caring for him.

I walk back to the living room softly to turn off the TV and the kitchen light. I check to make sure the door is locked then go crawl into bed next to him. He lays on his side, so I scoot up next to him and take him in my arms. He sighs contentedly and drifts into a deep sleep.

It feels like home. To have him in my arms is unspeakably peaceful. This is what I've wanted, what I've searched for.

He waited. I found him. Our two spirits united. Love blosomed fast and sure. He loves me like I had always dreamed.

Tonight he is away and I am here alone. It feels empty, chilled. It will be a long night. But I can rest easier remembering his most solem promise to me:

I will always come home...


Blogger Jose A. said...

Jake, its nice to know that there are other people out there who can understand and appreciate what its like to feel so comfortable with someone that it really does feel like home. If theres anything in this world worth having 'faith in', i'd say thats definitely one of them. :o) Take care and enjoy what you've found, and be nice to those of us who haven't been 'delivered' yet. ;o) ciao

4:27 PM  

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